Christian Distinctiveness
Meet our Chaplain
As a Church of England school, our ethos for education is rooted in the Christian principles of equity, fullness of life and flourishing for all intellectually, socially, culturally and spiritually.
Mrs Louisa Parrales is our full-time School Chaplain, working across our whole school community to guide and resource spiritual development, which empowers the discovery of deeper meaning and creates space for exploring purpose, identity and values.
Chaplaincy at Saint Georges gives pupils opportunities for Collective Worship, Moment marking, leadership development and community engagement, both within the school and wider community. The chaplain also offers pastoral support to pupils and staff and provides additional support for our families.
Mrs Louisa Parrales
Collective Worship at Saint George's All-Through
Term 1 & 2 | Who am I? Who are we?
Term 1
Focus for the Term:
- Personal identity, values and beliefs
- School vision and values
Significant Dates:
- Harvest
- Black history month
- World week of Peace
Special Services:
- Reception classes Service of Blessing
- Year group Eucharist services
Term 2
Focus for the Term:
- Journeys of faith, belief and understanding
- What is prayer for?
Significant Dates:
- Lent
- Easter
- Ramadan & Eid
- Holi
- Navaratri
- World Day of Prayer
Special Services:
- Remembrance Day
- Carol services
Term 3 & 4 | Challenge & Change
Term 3
Focus for the Term:
- People of faith
- Caring for others and our world
Significant Dates:
- Epiphany
- Candlemass
- World Religion Day
Special Services:
- Holocaust Memorial Day
Term 4
Focus for the Term:
- People of faith
- Caring for others and our world
Significant Dates:
- Lent
- Easter
- Ramadan & Eid
- Holi
- Navaratri
- World Day of Prayer
Special Services:
- Y11 Service of Blessing
- Y13 Service of Blessing
- Year group Eucharist services
- Easter workshops in Primary phase
Term 5 & 6 | Endings & Beginnings
Term 5
Focus for the Term:
- What is a good neighbour?
- Charity and Community
Significant Dates:
- Ascension Day
- Christian Aid Week
- NATRE Spirited Arts competition
Special Services:
- St Georges Day Parade
Term 6
Focus for the Term:
- Pilgrimage
- Celebrations
- Next steps
Significant Dates:
- Pentecost
- Hajj
- World Humanist Day
- Pride month
Special Services:
- Y6 Service of Blessing
Our Church
Saint George's Church of England All-through School enjoys close links with St Mary's Church, Gravesend. We hold a range of services at the church for Harvest Festivals and Christmas Carol Concerts, for example.
St Mary's Church was completed in 1938 to serve their local community and worship God in this place. For more information please visit: St. Mary’s Church Website here.
Christian Values
From our Vision come our 6 Christian values upon which all our work is based. Together these form the acronym, CHRIST. These values have rich biblical roots, examples of which are shown here however, we encourage staff and students to find and share their own examples.
Creativity is important to Christians because we believe that everything was created by God. He invented creativity. It was His idea. Creativity is part of the very nature and character of God. The fifth word in the Bible is created—“In the beginning, God created …” (Genesis 1:1).
It follows that if human beings are created in God’s image, then they too can be creative. In school this is played out in the importance of art, design, music, drama, dance, poetry, fiction and film; it is also about discovery and innovation in science and technology, critical thinking in the humanities, entrepreneurship in business, inspiration, imagination and improvisation in all our learning (Genesis 1:1).
Honesty is important to Christians because God is omniscient, and we cannot hide from Him. In school, it is important that we can trust one another, face up to our mistakes, and we tell the truth. “Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, in truth and love.” (2 John 3).
Resilience is important to Christians because it shows that we put our trust in Jesus to walk alongside us when we are in need. “The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; 24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand” (Psalm 37:23-24). It is important in school and in our daily lives because to be resilient means that we learn from our experiences and our mistakes to become stronger.
The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate example of resilience. It is the power of God through the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. It is also this same power that sustains and supports us in our daily lives and especially in difficult times, demonstrating the power of God working in us.
Our school motto ‘All Different, All Equal, All Flourishing’ reminds us that Jesus treated everyone equally and that we should do the same so that all in our community can flourish. We use the hashtag #WeAreAllOne to ensure that we focus on all that we share, rather than the things that divide us (John 3:16).
Perhaps this is the most recited verse in the Bible. Jesus said it as plainly and simply as He could. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please our neighbours for their good, to build them up.”(Romans 15:1–2 NIV). Love your neighbour as yourself…”(Mark 12:31 NIV).
Stewardship is important because it recognises that we are responsible for looking after God’s creation. It is important for everyone to take good care of our planet through careful use and re-use of its resources in order to live healthy lives and to pass on the earth to future generations. As we are all part of God’s creation, we also have a duty to care for ourselves and for one another, making sure that we are all safe and flourishing in mind and body.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” (Philippians 2:3-4).
Thankfulness is important to Christians because we are God’s children and everything that we have He has given us. We are thankful to God for the beauty of Creation, for our friends and families, for his forgiveness when we do things wrong, and for life itself. Being thankful means that we can continue to see God even when we are suffering or unhappy. It is our gift back to God. “Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God” (Psalms 50:14).
Mission Statement
Jesus treated everyone equally, no matter what their background and encouraged us to do the same (for example in the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10). We believe that everyone is of equal worth to God and that our differences make us a richer community. Paul reminded us in Galatians 3:28 that ‘in Christ, there is neither Jew nor gentile, slave nor free, male nor female’.
Everyone at Saint George’s has an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential and everyone has an equal right to respect.
Vision Statement
At the heart of our vision is the belief in inclusive, educational excellence; the belief that we are called to serve all pupils, staff, parents and the local community by providing places where all develop and thrive intellectually, socially, culturally and spiritually in order to live life in all its fullness.
We are motivated by our vision to serve the local community in accordance with our founding charter to ‘improve the life chances of local children. We welcome those of all faiths and none. ‘All flourishing’ is enabled by an excellent education, a broad and balanced curriculum, with a rich variety of enrichment opportunities and experiences that extend beyond the classroom. We want our children to succeed, in the widest possible sense, using their God-given talents fully.
Religious Education
Religious Education is taught in accordance with both the Understanding Christianity Scheme and the Kent Agreed Syllabus. RE enables pupils to appreciate their own and others’ beliefs and cultures, helping them to develop a clear understanding of the significance of religion in their own area as well as in the world today.
See our Religious Education pages for more information: