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At Saint George’s Primary Phase, we uphold the highest commitment to supporting all of our students to achieve excellent progress in a supportive environment.  


This is done through high-quality teaching, learning and assessment, differentiated for individual students as necessary, by our teaching staff. We also offer excellent pastoral care for all of our students.

The staff here are extremely proud of our inclusive learning environment and our broad and balanced curriculum which aims to bring out the best in all learners. If a need for extra support is identified, for most children this can be accommodated by changes in the whole class provision or by time-limited group or one-to-one interventions. Some children, however, will require different or additional provisions and after discussions with parents/carers will be identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability.

If you have any concerns about your child the best place to start is by talking to their class teacher who will know your child well and will usually be able to help or will seek advice on how best to provide support. If you continue to have concerns I am happy to discuss these with you. The best way to contact us in the first instance, is by emailing:

Further Information

View our Saint George’s SEND policy and Information Report here

You can also find information and resources on SEND on our Trust website here